Well, since I started off to this blog with a rant, I decided to write a little bit about me. Not because someone might see this blog (since this is a personal blog and I don't really plan on showing it to others) but because I can remember how I was when I become old and stuff. I think its really interesting when I read stuff that I wrote years ago and have no memory doing so. It's just like reading my old diaries. I always think how stupid I was back then and how I wish I had a time machine to go back and strangle myself before writing those idiotic diary entries. :D I even feel embarrassed thinking about them. I was such a mama's girl back then. But thank gawd I am not any more! THANK YOU TEENAGE HORMONES!!! Now I rebel with passion against authority. *coughPARENTScough*
So anyways I thought that writing a blog might be a good idea since I can access it whenever. Also there is this website called futureme.com and you get to send emails to you future self. :D How cool is that! You get to choose the date and time when your email arrives and I had just got a very angsty one from 2 years ago complaining how "my life sucked" and how much I "hate my parents with a BURNING PASSION* for them not letting me wear what I wanted. It was quite funny actually but back then, I don't think it was. I also sent one to 20 years in the future (hopefully I'll still be using my email then) and told me to divorce with my husband if I had one. And if I had kids, then give em up for adoption! I used to be 12 back then and totally against the idea of marriage.
So anyways, back to the topic: About Moi. Well basically I am a teenage angsty girl. My profile picture was taken a few weeks ago. I now have very light blonde hair with highlights and I'm going PLATINUM in a few months. My natural hair color is brown/lightbrown, for all you natural beauty weenies out there who are wondering (U GUYS CAN KISS ME DIET-PILL WEIGHT LOSSED ASS :D ACTUALLY NO, KEEP THOSE LIPS TO URSELF! YOU GUYS PROBABLY DON'T USE CHAPSTICK ANYWAYS. OR HELL, MAYBE EVEN BRUSH YOUR TEETH!).

(*Edited: I removed personal details and information and pictures! Sorry, just in case ya know. Internet is a weird place!)
So that's it for now, cuz I have to take a break.
(>'.')> Vanity Cat <('.'<)
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